BGR is short for Boy-Girl-Relationship. We at such a young age, should we have BGR? What is its consequences and effects?
BGR at such a young age is quite impractical. This is because we are all schooling and if we are from different schools, it would be hard for us to communicate and meet up and see each other often enough. However, with the improved in technology everyday, it is become more and more convenient to maintain a relationship, even for a long distance one.
We can send text messages to each other to communicate with each other every minute and every second. We can also call each other and can talk on the phone for hours and hours. We can also use the Internet and webcam to chat online which is free with the use of application like Skype and MSN. Thus, we can practically keep and get in touch anywhere and everywhere.
However, what are the effects and consequences in having BGR at such a young age. Firstly, you would spend most of your time communicating or seeing your partner and will most definitely lose your focus on your studies. Your studies will greatly be affected as you can stay up late jus tot chat with your partner and in the end, you will have no energy during lesson time and sleep in class. Moreover, w your time will also be spent on meeting up with the other person and you will not have any time for homework. There are some cases whereby BGR led to some serious business that is too big for a mere 14 years old to handle. It might lead to underage sex and if found out be sent to boy’s and girl’s home. It will lead to underage pregnancy and how are you going to be responsible for the baby when you are still studying and does not have a stable income?
Furthermore, BGR at such a young age are often short and does not last. It could only just be a crush on someone and not necessary be love. Thus, it is not worth spending and investing too much time on BGR. I rather you focus on your studies and when you have a stable income in the future, you can have all the relationship you want.
When you have BGR at such a young age, even if it did manage to last, what happens when you go to the army? You will be spending two years in the army and your girlfriends will not be able to see you daily and will miss you a lot. However, slowly you will see that the above I mentioned are all crap and your girlfriends might be having fun while you are suffering in camp. She might found a new boyfriend that you do not know off and that is how many guys lose their girlfriends when they are in the army.
Thus, I suggest that you wait until you are 20 plus years old and after you have been to the army before you have any real relationship as by then you would have matured enough to know what is right from wrong and you will know which girls is good to you and those that are not and then you make your choice from there. By doing so, it will prevent many instances of unwanted pregnancy because you are so-called “ matured” enough. Keep this in mind : There are tons of girls out there waiting for YOU so no worries.
Friday, August 13, 2010 | | 3 Comments
Singapore Judicial System Part 2
In my previous post, I have discuss about the judicial system of Singapore and what are its advantages and disadvantages. Now I would like to discuss one particular case that my teacher pointed out when we are discussing the Merchant of Venice.
What if a guy who is mentally retarded rapes your sister? Should the judge be merciful? Or should he be sentenced like any male person? Should the judge be taught how to show mercy? Or should he just stick to the book?
Other men are able to think for themselves. They are mature in enough to have self-control over themselves and thus before they commit the act, they would be able to think deeply enough about the consequences and implications. If they still decided to commit the act, and are about 18 which is the age whereby you are considered “matured” enough to think for yourself, you will most probably face jail sentence and caning but if you are below the age of 18, you will most probably go to boy’s home and receive detention.
I feel that the guy should not be sentence like that same way as any other men. This is because I assume he is not mentally sound to think for himself. He would most probably be unable to exercise self-control and cannot think about the consequences and implication. He might think that it is the right thing to do or did it out of curiosity. It was not totally his fault because he is restricted by his handicap and we should at least empathize and sympathize with him.
However, if he raped my sister, I would have mixed feelings about it. It is neither here nor there. As much as I want to empathise and sympathise with him, I would definitely find myself siding my sister instead. Therefore, I am not in the right position to comment on it. But ultimately I will side my sister for sure.
Even though he is mentally unsound, he does not have the right to go about doing anything he like and anything he wants and when caught, give the excuse that he is mentally unsound and be let off lightly.
Furthermore, a judge is taught about the law but not taught how to show mercy. But even with that said, not all judges are heartless. I am sure that some would try to reach deeply into their heart, which has already tuned cold and hard because of the many experiences that they have gone through while being a judge, and try to empathise and sympathise with the mentally unsound person. Many judge do not usually sentence the person being charged to the maximum sentence but always evoke sympathy and be lenient towards them.
So, I would like to sign off with a few questions. If it is really your sister being raped by a mentally retarded person, what will you do? What will you do if you are the judge? Should we have a law to protect these handicapped people?
Tuesday, August 10, 2010 | | 0 Comments
Singapore Judicial system ( The Barbarian way)
Singapore Judicial system is one that is disapproved of by lots of other countries. The main reason is because Singapore has caning and death sentences.
Singapore judicial system operates in the form of deterrence. By having severe punishment and sentences, it deters people from committing crime. This idea is similar to fining the Singapore citizens for littering. If a person wanted to commit theft, rape or even murder, they have to think twice about it and they might consider not to execute the act because of the punishment. If the punishment was just a fine or sentence to jail for a short period of time, the person might not even think twice about it and thus, the crime rates in Singapore will increase significantly as evident from the high crime rate in other countries.
Other countries disapproved of both the caning and death sentence is because they operate in the form of human rights. They feel that by sentencing them to death, it is a violation of human rights. Singapore will thus, appear in a bad light globally as people will see Singapore as a barbarian society.
My teacher told me once that she had gone to Canada once to study or take up a particular coarse whereby the instructor there shouted really loud, “YOU ARE A BARBARIAN BECAUSE YOU COUNTRY HAVE THE DEATH SENTENCE!” This is one of the evidence that shows that other people from other countries have bad impression of Singaporeans.
Furthermore, some other countries have a jury during the trial and the definition of a jury is a group of people who have been chosen to listen to all the facts in a trial in a law court and to decide whether a person is guilty or not guilty, according to the Cambridge Online Dictionary. They will carry out a voting process and majority wins, deciding whether a person is guilty or not depending on the situation. However, Singapore only has a judge who will determine whether the person is guilty or not and also decide on the sentence. Some have argued that the Singapore way of only having a judge might not be fair as it is only based on a person’s point of view. By having a jury, it will be fairer as it will consist of more than one person and will encompass different perspective of each individual in the jury.
I feel that Singapore having a judge to determine the sentence is alright as I am pretty sure the judge would be more knowledgeable in the law and would give a better and fairer sentence. The jury system is not really a bad idea as it takes account of the point of view of normal citizens. However, the citizens might not be qualified or knowledgeable in the field of law and might not give a fair outcome.
Lastly, Singapore’s judicial system is that a person is guilty unless proven not, while the American’s judicial system is that a person is not guilty unless proven to be. These two are very different as the person will forever be under custody in Singapore unless there is substantial evidence to prove that he is not while a person will not be in custody and will only be in custody if they are guilty.
In conclusion, I do not really disapprove or disagree in Singapore’s judicial system but I can only say that there is still room for improvement.
Thursday, August 05, 2010 | | 0 Comments
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